
Microsuction Kensington

Our state of the art clinic in Kensington is soon to open. Offering microsuction ear wax removal and a range of other services.

Vastly experienced audiologists

State of the art clinic

Quick, painless procedures

Best prices

Professional aftercare

Thousands of patients seen

Find out more




Highly qualified audiologists


Satisfied patients


Patient satisfaction

Our Kensington clinic

Our Kensington clinic is set in a beautiful Victorian building near the wonderful Church Street. When designing our Kensington clinic we made sure none of the Victorian charm was lost and it now perfectly compliments our state of the art equipment.

Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

Safe, painless and quick microsuction ear wax removal performed by highly experiences clinicians.

Hearing Tests

Comprehensive hearing test followed by a detailed explanation of the results and a bespoke plan of action specific to you.


Hearing Aids

We recommend and fit a wide range of hearing aids from all the main brands, including Phonak, Starkey and Oticon.

Balance Assessment

If you’re having balance issues you may be referred to us for balance testing.

Hearing Advice

Need some hearing advice? Perhaps you’re not happy with your current care provider and want a second opinion, no problem. Get in touch today.

Hearing protection.

Be kind to your future self and protect your ears today. Modern environments are often terrible for our hearing, protect them today.

Having trouble hearing the TV?

Struggling to hear the TV is one of the most common signs your hearing might be impaired. Get in touch for an assessment.

Contact our clinic

Where to find us.

Our Kensington clinic can be found on Kensington High Street.